Friday, October 5, 2007

Kal Ho Naa Ho

Sarah found a clip of one of the dance scenes on Youtube from the film and we enjoyed it throughly. Always curious as to what the rest of the movie entailed. Then Sarah gave it to me for Christmas last year.

So long, but so good! It's a 3 hour movie and therefore last night was the second time I watched it. Sarah and I put it on late last night with the expectation we would fall asleep, but it's such a good story we couldn't fall asleep. The song and dance numbers are really fun. The story is touching, but a little over the top. It is fairly dramatic and I don't know how easy it would be for a guy to enjoy it. The movie is in English and in Hindi, so subtitles are must.

Bottom-line: Long but very good. If you are okay with subtitles and up for a good story, watch it!

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