Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Two Weeks Notice

This is one of the films that I own. I've had it for awhile but cannot recall when I got it. Anyway, I watched it yesterday while completing an Art project for my humanities class. Having seen it a number of times, I figured it was a good choice for a film to watch while working.

Review: Such a great movie! The dialogue is fantastic! Hugh Grant's character George, has some of the most hilarious lines ever. Sandra Bullock's character Lucy has a fair few as well. Some of my favorites being:

(Lucy has just had water poured on her)
George: This hanky is very nearly clean. I'm going to dab you. Blow.

Lucy: I think you are the most selfish person on the planet.
George: Well that's just silly-Have you met everyone on the planet?

George: Well surely not all boats?
Lucy: (In British accent) Yes, all boats.

Bottom-line: This is a good romantic comedy that I think guys will enjoy more than many others. Go see it!

1 comment:

Sarah J said...

Good to know. I've never even heard of it. Am I so out of it? I always want new rentals.