Friday, November 23, 2007

My Fair Lady

Here's number three on my Thanksgiving AFI 100 list. I started watching it on Wednesday night but after realizing it was almost 3 hours long finished it while digesting Thanksgiving dinner.

Review: I liked it. Audrey Hepburn gives a great performance. She truly is stunning to watch. You can't help but enjoy watching her on the screen. Rex Harrison also had a very good performance. I thought the costumes were really quite good. The songs were fun, not my favorite musical songs but fun nonetheless. I really liked the scene where she goes back to visit where she used to sell flowers. It allows the audience and Eliza to look at how she's changed.

Bottom-line: I think this would be a great film to watch when you've got a lot of time, like a rainy day or a snowday. I would recommend it, it isn't my favorite musical, but worth seeing. I would enjoy seeing it performed.

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