Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A Christmas Story

I watched this with my family on Christmas Eve after finishing some fantastic Chinese food. No Duck though.

I remember the first couple times I saw the film it was on a taped video when I was a young little whipper snapper. I thought it was some way underground film that no one had ever heard of. I think it was the title that through me off. As if my parents wrote "A Christmas Story" because they didn't know the real title of the movie.

Review: This is a Christmas movie classic! I love it so much. From Ralphie's longing for a "Red Rider BB Gun," to his father's "Major Award," and the carols sung at Christmas dinner this movie makes me laugh from start to finish.

Bottom-line: If you haven't seen it yet, it is worth it to watch after Christmas. Even if it's July.

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