Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Superman Returns

I watched this movie for an unique reason. The previous night I had a dream where I was Superman. I could really feel the sensation of flying. I was fighting crime had bullets bounce off of me, the works. I told Steph about it and she suggested watching it, so we did.

Review: I've always really liked Superman. In the last few years my love of Superman has superseded Batman through my increasing love of Superman by watching "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman"and by my somewhat disappointment, rather less enjoyment than expected with "Batman Begins."

But when it comes to Superman movies, TV shows, etc. this is not my favorite. I don't think that it's a bad film, but it's not great. The movie goes at a very slow pace. Even the "intense" portions feel slow. This is NOT an on the edge of your seat film.

Also, I know this movie was also in IMAX theaters. So sometimes I feel that some things were done (or done for an extended amount of time) just because it would look awesome in IMAX. (Ex. Polar Express, train scene) There were scenes where this thought crossed my mind.

Finally, not to the movies fault my view of Superman/Clark Kent is different than what I know the Comic Book is. It also brings up the debate of super heroes: which identity is their true identity? The most true Superman for ME is in "Lois and Clark" where and I quote "Superman is what I can do. Clark is who I am." Clark is his true identity. I acknowledge that this is one of the few portrayals of Superman/Clark Kent out there. I know that the comic book takes more of Superman is his true identity view.

So for me this movie didn't do it for me so much. I feel the reason we care about super hero characters is because of their personal stories, their human storyline, not because they save people. Would we care as much about a guy who spins webs fighting crime in NYC, if we didn't also have the story of how Peter Parker, the man behind the mask loved Mary Jane? I don't think so. I felt there was a lot more emphasis on Superman's actions, not his emotions.

Bottom-line: I don't think I would spend money to obtain the opportunity to watch it. But say it was on TV and you wanted something to fold laundry to, do homework to or fall asleep to (Steph can vouch for it) , watch it.

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