Tuesday, January 1, 2008

High School Musical 2

Again, I got stuck somehow and continued the marathon and watched HSM 2 until about 4 a.m. with my sister and her friend. How this happen? I'm not quite sure but it did.

Review: Fun. I love to make fun of the "Bet on It" song with Zac Efron, oh my hilarious. He's just running around on a golf course. Oh and don't forget the tribute Lion King reference when he looks at his reflection at the "water hazard" on the course. So funny. I also love the "I Don't Dance" song with Corbin Bleu and Lucas Grabeel when Corbin is dancing while singing "I don't dance."

Bottom-line: I think I like the second one better. I'm not quite sure though. The second one seems to have more of a plot. But yeah it's fun.

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