Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I was feeling pretty happy being at home on New Years Eve. So my mom and 9-year old brother, Erik, decided we would splurge and get a pay-per-view movie. We sent Erik to look through them to pick one we would all like. He suggested Hairspray. My mother and I agreed to watched it. "Hairspray it is then," Erik said matter-of-factly.

Review: I really enjoyed it. I was really impressed with every single actor/actress. It was fun to see Michelle Pfeiffer as a villain. And a villain she was. It was very well done and fun to hear her sing as well. Plus major props must be given to John Travolta. He did such a great job playing Edna. I really believed she was a big insecure woman, not a fairly physically fit man. I was also really impressed with Nikki Blonsky, who played Tracy Turnbald. It was her first acting job and she did a great job. The dancing was great as were the musical numbers. I especially liked "Run and Tell That."

Bottom-line: I totally recommend renting it. It's really great and although it confronts real issues of the '60s in Detroit it's family friendly. It's really well done.

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